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Sab Jul 08, 2017 8:20 pm
20 dollar cover charge toghnit. i was ready to turn and leave and i said there are only a couple of people i would pay a 20 dollar cover charge to listen to tonight. she said tommy makum? i said sold and sat 15 feet away from him for 2 shows and a couple of black and tans. a great night.
Sab Jul 08, 2017 7:49 pm
Hidden due to low comment rating. .ha’ah kan kak Cham..lepaskan jer la c RR yg x reti hormat mentua tu, mentua dh terima pun buat donno jer…mentua sakit pun x nk pegi melawat dasar keras kepala. Mmg dah thu dari dulu lagi perangai RR ni mase die gaduh ngan Lisda dulu lagi. Jgan la nk pandang sebelah mata sangat uo.drPoorly-latez.
Lun Oct 19, 2015 5:14 pm
Moi je sais of9 elle e9tait passe9e! Je l'ai croise9e sur la lune of9, incroyable mais vrai elle se de9plae7ait en ski!
Lun Oct 19, 2015 5:13 pm
I can totally retlae to the dreaded writing assignment. I write everyday for my job. Sometimes my work writing is very extensive. Work writing seems second nature but doing a class writing assignment can be traumatizing. I believe writing is more emphasized in today's school than they were 30-40 years ago. My parents' education was very limited. However, I can remember my mother having tablets full of her writings on her bible study. I can only remember my mother reading her bible on a constant basic until she started to attend the University of Pittsburgh. What she knew about reading and writing she passed on to me and my siblings. She stressed education and was a requirement to live at home.
Lun Oct 19, 2015 4:51 pm
pick any topic you enjoy and then in any style of writing prorfem it. This can include poems, songs, blogs, text written as art, anything and see if they had a good time doing it. Even don't grade this first experience, so they don't have to worry about being vulnerable and just go for it. I think when I'm a teacher I would want to try this activity and hope that it sparks an intrest in some of my students. Obviously some people just hate writing and it will be an awful experience for them no matter what, but maybe there could be that student that is unsure of writing or just does it to finish the assignment but then finds in their own style and specialty a new form of expression, and can appriciate the art.
Vie Sep 04, 2015 12:10 am
승기, 너무 귀엽지 않아요?? ㅎㅎ작년에 한국에 있을 때 즐겨보던 TV 프로 중에 하나에요. 1박 2일!!다음 주에 같이 이 노래 불러 볼까요??No es chulo SeungKi?? jeje..El af1o pasado, cdnuao estuve en Corea ese programa es uno de mis favoritos de tele. 1bak 2il..!!Que9 les parece que cantemos esa cancif3n el se1bado que viene??