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Sab Abr 16, 2016 8:57 am

<a>canadian pharcharmy online</a>

Lun Oct 19, 2015 3:53 pm

Dissabte passat vam anar-hi a sopar una colla de 20 pereonss per celebrar el cumple d'una amiga. Vam estar genial, ens van deixar una sala per nosaltres i vam estar "com a casa", sense que ens molestes ningu!Ens van fer un menu dels de 25€, pactat previament amb la responsable del local i consistia amb els seguents plats:- carpaccio de llengua de bou amb virutes de foie i vinagreta.- musclos al vapor.- cale7ots amb tempura i salsa romesco.- trintxat de patata en carxofes i ou potxe. 2on plat a elegir: - llenguado a la plantxa.- rodavallo a la plantxa.- confit d'``anec.- entrecot a la plantxa.tots els plats acompanyats amb unes patates amb ceba a la llauna exquisites. De postres:- pastis d'aniversari de nata i trufa. Caf``es i infusions inclosos, pa, aigua i vi de la casa blanc i negre (negre: LESGINES i blanc: Vif1as del vero).Cava tambb4b4e inclos: Raventos i blanch.Realment un gran sopa, de tracte amable, higiene molt cuidada i menjar en quantitat i qualitat mes que correcte per aquest preu. S'ha de repetir i recomanar sense falta!!

Mar Abr 08, 2014 1:47 pm


Sab Abr 28, 2012 10:40 pm

h68cmm <a>dxrmksagtgjs</a>

Vie Abr 27, 2012 11:34 pm

sqbVhc <a>jvyenvzbuwcu</a>

Vie Abr 27, 2012 11:19 am

Hello! Cool posting! I'm also a usual vsotiir to your site (much more like addict ) on your website but also I had a problem. I am only never positive whether its the right site to question, but you've got no spam comments. I receive comments on a regular basis. Will you help me? Thanks!

Mar Feb 22, 2011 12:10 am

I cured my herpes with hsv-zero

Dom Ene 16, 2011 4:10 am

I have long sexual history with many women, but I always play safe and protected. A week ago I got sore throat and pains on my chest, I also got dizzy after eating and lost weight. I ordered an HIV test online from and got tested. The result was negative. Might it be false negative, cause I still have those symptoms? On the other hand, my mother has diabetes. The symptoms I got are similar to diabetes symptoms. Is it possible that I inherit my mom's diabetes?

Sab Ene 15, 2011 10:31 am

A month ago I had protected oral sex when I was on my vacation in thailand.The guy was not a male prostitute and I was sure he's clean and safe.But a couple of days ago I got many pimples on my face and neck.They are like acne,but itchy.I was afraid I got hiv so I ordered an oral hiv test online called orasure from and got tested.The result was negative.I don't have problem with my skin.I don't have allergy.I even haven't had acne anymore since 20 years ago. If it is not hiv, what could it be?

Sab Dic 18, 2010 3:29 pm

I had unprotected sex with a prostitute 3 weeks ago. Not long after that I got a fever and headach. Sometimes I feel tired so easily. Then I ordered an oral hiv test called orasure online from and got tested. The result was hiv positive. I need treatment so bad. But the problem is I'm still 19 and I don't know to tell my parents about this. Can you tell the right way to tell my parents without making them mad? I'm so scared.. I think they will kill me.

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Mie Nov 16, 2005 12:23 am






Lectura, Deportes, Gastronomia


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Vie Dic 14, 2007 8:57 pm

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