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Mssslife here!!

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Mohammad Saleh


MensajePublicado: Vie Feb 12, 2010 5:25 am    Asunto: Mssslife here!! Responder citando

Hello All first of all sorry if the topic in the wrong section (frekin noob in forums lol)

This is Mssslife from Saudi Arabia Sonrisa

I am happy to be between you guys and I hope I can be a helpful person with my contributing in this forum

Looking forward to see some replies

At last hope you accept me as a new welcomed friends here Sonrisa

And yeah thanks for having me ^^

Mohammad Saleh
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Reputacion: 37    

Edad: 37
Registrado: 20 Feb 2006
Ultima Visita: 13 Oct 2014
Mensajes: 1939
Ubicación: Meine Herzen ^^,

MensajePublicado: Vie Feb 12, 2010 3:46 pm    Asunto: Responder citando

Hi! (I'll leave this here for a couple of days, then I'll move it to the right place, OK? Guiño )

What about contributing with some of your views on faith, Mohammad? This section of the forum is to discuss about faith. We have other sections where we talk about Narnia, the books, the films, etc. This in particular is about faith... If you look around, you'll see that there's even a poll where most users talked about their religions. They even held some kind of debate a few years ago. It was sooooo cool! :( It died, though... I think it could be brought back to life...

You know, I think it would be pretty interesting to have your point of view. If you want to try to express it in Spanish, you're very welcome to do it. If not, I'd suggest to use a translator or ask for someone's help, as not all of us speak English around here :S... It's a difficult language for most of the users and they'll have a terrible headache before they decipher all your greeting...

If you want, I'll be happy to help you with that. That's up to you, of course Sonriendo. And it'd be also an awesome thing if you consider registering yourself in the forum! I think you could be a good member of this online community Muy Feliz.

And, by the way, welcome! Muy Feliz

I'm Isa. Or Polly, you can call me either way, I don't mind.


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